If you decide to study English or a subject from Arts and Humanities at university will require lots of essay writing. It’s a difficult skill to master due to the fact that it requires creativity as well as rational planning. However, if you ensure you do the following whenever you write an essay, you’ll succeed: success:
1. Plan
It could be time-consuming but if you have the right plan, it will save you time when it comes to writing the essay, as you’ll know where your answer is headed and won’t write yourself into a corner. Do not fret if you’re stuck in the beginning – just write down your thoughts anyway, and odds are that the rest will be following. I find it easier to create a map of my mind using each new ‘bubble being a part of one of my main paragraphs. I then create quotations, which are useful for my analysis around the bubble.
If, for instance, I was to answer the question ‘To what extent is Curley’s wife depicted as a person of victimization in Of Mice and Men?’ I might begin with a mental map that looks like this:
You can continue to add to this outline, separating bits out and connecting different bubbles when you spot connections between them.Join Us ventsmagazine website While you might not have time to create an elaborate plan in the exams, it may be helpful just to sketch out a short one with a few important words so that you don’t become overwhelmed and fall off-topic while writing your essay. If you’re not comfortable with the mind map format there are many alternatives to choose from. you can create a table or flowchart or simply some bullet points.
2. Clear structure
Be aware of this when you are planning. Your essay can be described as an argument or a speech. It should have a coherent structure, with all your points coming together to address the question. Begin with the basics. It is recommended to select one or two major points which will serve as your principal paragraphs. Three main paragraphs is a great amount for an essay in an exam, since you will be under time pressure. Your points should be organized in a arrangement comprising Yes (agreement with the question) as well as (another “YES” argument) AND (disagreement or complications) whether you agree or disagree with the overall question, or YES BUT AND if you do not agree. This will help ensure that you’re focused on your arguments as well as ensuring that you stay from the issue.
You could, for instance, create your Of Mice and Men sample query as follows:
What is the extent to which the wife of Curley depicted as an innocent person of victimization in Of Mice and Men?’
- YES – she has descriptions about her looks
- And, the attitude of others towards her
- However, her status as the sole female member of the ranch grants her authority as she uses her femininity to benefit herself
If you wanted to write a lengthy essay in the future, you could write additional paragraphs within the ‘YES/AND’ category, maybe focusing on the ways that Curley’s spouse reveals her vulnerability or insecurities and share her desires with other characters; on the contrary, you could increase the length of your essay by having a third ‘BUT’ sentence about her cruel and manipulative streak.
Of however, this’s not always the most appropriate way to respond to this essay in the event that you back up your points with the facts in your text, you’ll be able use any argument that makes sense.
3. Make sure you back up your arguments by analyzing your quotes
You would never write a science report without including proof to back up your claims, so why should it be any different when writing an essay? Even though you aren’t strictly expected to justify every assertion you make by an actual quote, there’s definitely no reason not to try. Reading carefully the quotes you use can increase your understanding of the topic and is certain to impress your exam takers.
When selecting the ideal quotations for your essay, keep an eye for literary strategies that are specific to the author. For example, you could analyze Curley’s wife’s use rhetorical questions when she says, ‘An’ what is I doing? We’re here talking to many stiffs of bindle”
The question “An”What am I doin’?” signifies that Curley’s wife is very anxious she is questioning her own life choices. Also, the fact she doesn’t anticipate anyone to respond to her question highlights her loneliness.
Other literary techniques to look out for include:
- Tricolon – a group of three words or phrases that are placed close together for emphasis
- Tautology is a term used to describe different things that have the same meaning such as ‘frightening’ or terrifying.
- Parallelism ABAB structure, which is often used to indicate movement from one concept to another
- Chiasmus – ABBA structure. Draws attention to the phrase
- Polysyndeton – many conjunctions in the form of a sentence
- Asyndeton – a lack of conjunctions may speed up the speed of the sentences
- Polyptoton – using the same word with different meanings for accent, such as “done,” and “doing.”
- Alliteration is the repetition or repetition of the exact sound. Different forms of alliteration include assonance (similar vowel sounds), plosive alliteration (‘b'”, “d”, and “p noises) along with sibilance (‘s’ sounds)
- Anaphora – repetition of words; commonly used to emphasize a specific point
It’s not a problem if you’re unable to find all these literary devices in the work the study is focusing on – you may talk about more obvious effects such as simile, metaphor and onomatopoeia. It’s not an issue if you’re not able to recall all the long names , but it’s essential to clarify what happens when you use literary techniques as well as their relevance in the context of the inquiry than to employ the appropriate terminology.
4. Be original and creative all the way through
Anyone is able to write an essay using the above tips, but the part that makes it “perfect” is your personal take to the topic you’re discussing. If you’ve found something intriguing or unusual in your reading, point it out: If you find it interesting and interesting, the reader will too.
Essay writing and creative writing are more closely linked than you’d like to think. be aware that you’re crafting a speech or an argument in mind and you’re bound to draw the reader’s interest.
It’s essential to state your argument in your introduction, introducing your main points and the general direction that your essay will take, but make sure to keep something back for the conclusion and conclusion, too. It’s true that you must summarise your main points, but if it’s just a repetition of what you’ve said in your introduction, your essay is ineffective.
Think of your conclusion as the end of your speech, the point every other thing has led towards, and not boring, boring, and at the end of the fascinating bits.
For those looking to go back to Of Mice and Men once more, here’s an illustration of the perfect distinction of an intro and a conclusion:
Within John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, the wife of Curley is shown as a confusing character. It is possible to view her as a cruel and seductive temptress, or a lonely woman who is subject to her society’s attitude. Although she appears to have a sexual power, it’s clear that Curley’s wife is mostly in the position of a victim. The interpretation is substantiated from Steinbeck’s depiction of her look, people’s opinions, her dreams as well as her apparent lack of confidence and loneliness.
It is evident that Curley’s wife is a victim . It portrays it as such throughout the book, through their descriptions of appearances, fantasies as well as in the judgemental behavior of other characters as well as her loneliness and insecurities. Yet, a character was a victim, and nothing else would be one-dimensional and Curley’s partner is not. Though she suffers in numerous ways, she is shown to assert herself through manipulation of the female form – a minor revolt against the discrimination she faces.
Both of them refer to the original question, and summarize the main arguments of the essay but the conclusion is some new information that was not made clear in the body of the essay but alters the simple summary that is provided in the Introduction.